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Grow Chagford



June 2012-

Work continues on the Healing Garden at Endecott House.

April 2012

Chagfood has run a coffee morning to help raise funds for the 'Endecott Healing Garden'. Chinnie is working with volunteers from Grow Chagford to establish the herb/medicinal garden over the next few months.

Feb 2012

HogCO is supporting a four part course on 'Growing Healing Herbs', led by local expert Chinnie Kingsbury, of Chagfood CSA. The first of these was held on 13th Feb, and was a great success, with much support, commitment and willingness to share knowledge, questions and delicious food. Within this session, members of Grow Chagford worked together to develop initial plans for the creation of a community herb garden at Endecott House (Chagford). These were delivered to the trustees last week, so hopefully the group will soon get the go ahead to start preparation of the beds.

Who we are

Grow Chagford is dedicated to growing, producing, eating and celebrating local food.

Our aim is to educate our community to produce and preserve as much local food as possible from the resources we have.

A major part of the project is the planting and cropping of trees for fuel and native hedgerows for food.

This project also aims to work with the community and our local primary school in the provision of an external wood fired oven, as part of the new 'outdoor class room'.

January 2012 Pickling Workshop

On Sunday 15th January in the Courtyard Cafe, Chagford, a group of enthusiasts enjoyed an inspiring and informative workshop with Natacha Du Pont De Bie. She took us on a tasty tour of how we can spice up our local winter veg. Pickling and fermentation is a low energy way to prolong food's shelf life. It helps capture goodness and produce healthy food . All the participants enjoyed a grand finale of delicious tastings and there was enough to take home jars and even bags of goodies. For more information on local food events please sign up with

September 2011

We had a great day on Saturday [3rd Sep] with Carol Stone on how to save seeds. The general feedback was excellent, particularly on how useful and practical Carol made the day and how generous she was with her all the seeds, handouts and special tomatoes. We had a fabulous venue in David and Susan's field and superb lunch served al fresco. For those not able to join us, I am sure the information and knowledge gained will be shared through our discussions and meetings. So big thanks to Carol and all involved for making the day such a success also to HogCo for making the workshop possible.

We were so inspired that one of the outcomes from the day was the shared commitment to start a "Seedy Circle". This is  where we each take a designated plant to collect the seeds from and then we share them with the other members of the seed circle. This way we keep our own seed saving simple, but reap the benefits of having access to a wide variety of locally proved seeds. There will be more information on how this will work as it evolves. Meanwhile we are going to start straight away with a Seedy Saturday Meeting on Garlic.

There is a lot of interest in our Seedy Circle on growing garlic and how you can save money from "bulk buying", especially as now is the right time of year make your orders. Some members are going to research different types of garlic and best suppliers this week.Then we are going to meet at the Allotment Coffee Morning Saturday the 10th September @10.30 am in the Endicott Rooms to discuss best varieties and prices. The  intention is to place a combined order, so that we can all benefit from experienced growers choices and better pricing.

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