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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Foxhole Community Garden

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LATEST NEWS -  April 2012 (scroll down for earlier news)

Over a couple of very active workdays volunteers from the local community and from BTCV managed to plant up a new boundary hedge with the trees supplied by the Woodland Trust. The weather was really warm and sunny and made the task far more manageable.

March 2012

BTCV is helping local volunteers to prepare the ground for hedge planting during March. Elsewhere on site fruit bushes and raspberry canes are being planted.

Feb 2012

Great news- the garden has recently been awarded 420 free trees from the Woodland Trust (which the group applied for after HogCO advertised the scheme in their newsletter). The trees will be planted as a perimeter hedge, and will help to encourage beneficial insects and wildlife on the site.

HogCO put the group in touch with BTCV to see if there was any support they could give to help the group with the mammoth task of planting the trees. BTCV have been very supportive and have agreed to provide 2 days of volunteer labour to help with the ground preparation that needs to be done before the hedge can be planted. This has been arranged for late Feb/Early March, which will be followed by a community hedge planting event in mid March.

In addition to the hedge planting there are several other important tasks planned for the coming weeks including cutting the green manure and burying it in the plots and planting approximately 6 beds of potatoes (including two for the local school).

Who we are

Our community garden is on the Dartington Estate and will be for the use of Dartington residents and future residents of the Abundant Life project.

We aim to:


  • To encourage and provide access for people to grow their own food/manage their own orchard;
  • To engage in educational and health-promoting activities;
  • To encourage the sharing and development of talents, to learn new skills and provide training for members;
  • To provide a practical demonstration of sustainable living and
  • To provide access for all and help people who might become isolated to enjoy being part of the community.

April 2011

Foxhole Community Garden Meeting

Date: 9th April

Time: 10:30 – 13:00

Place: The Granary, next to Dartington Hall

Items for the agena so far include:

    Meeting Pete from Channings Wood.
    Re-elections – Chair, Secretary & treasurer.
    Partnerships – including Orchard Link & Community Payback.
    Funding (& Kingsbridge report)

February 2011

We have planted our first trees and have a design for the garden which you can download here.

Bidwell Brook students visit the garden each week and are presently helping to prepare some paths.

January 2011

The garden is really taking shape now and many holes have been dug! We will be planting our first 20 heritage apple trees on Saturday 5th February.  We should hopefully be joined by Bidwell School and the Mayor of Totnes.

As a fundraiser, we are asking people to pledge £20 for the planting of each tree. So far we have 14 pledges, so only 6 left!. Please email us if you would like to support the garden in this way.
WikanikoWork from Home
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