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22 March 2014
New improvements

This week saw a big task undertaken and completed. Firstly the match pool pegs have been stoned up and redone: we have suffered the winter high water levels which had eroded the banks. A new hard stone track has been laid all along the Trout Lake and Runswater banks. The peninsulas on the Trout Lake have been laid with stone also. This gives a nice clean walk around all the banks, where it was wet and muddy previously. You can now go and fish in your slippers if you want! Though we don't recommend that. Seriously, it's a large improvement for our anglers that struggled and battled the clay mud before. Runswater anglers should find it easier barrowing gear to the pitches along the far side. Some 300 tons have been laid to give some idea of the scale of the job. So a Big Thanks to the digger driver Nigel and the farm hands from our owners farm that spared the time to get this done.

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