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15 August 2023
I Could (Maybe) Do This Full-Time

Since I left the American company that took over Bell-Fruit Games I've been able to work on retro gaming projects full-time.  Over three decades of work I invested my wages in many places and I do have a modest independent share dividend income.  It's a just-about-pay-the-bills-income and no more than that so I have a bit of time to work out whether or not I can continue to work on 8-bit games or if I'll need to take another software engineering job.

I would love to work full-time for the retro scene and am trying all sorts of things to see what works.  For example, I'm now selling fully annotated source code for my first ZX81 game, Zedipede.  I also have a Patreon account and that is a way for anyone to get my latest software first as well as exclusive titles.  Folks can always donate when downloading my itch.io games (although fewer than 2% do).

I'd also like to have the time to work on game design tools like AGD Five and to create a game design tool for the ZX81.  There's also my YouTube channel, which could do with a few more regular updates.  Like, comment, share or subscribe if you want to see more content there.

It will be interesting to see how things play out.


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