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21 April 2023
Vega+ Twitter Troll Jailed

Five years ago I had a Twitter account.  I had 1500 followers wanting to hear about what I was working on ZX Spectrum-wise and random 8-bit computing stuff.

All that changed when a handful of trolls started abusing me because I'd supported an honest attempt to produce a handheld Spectrum console against the opposition of certain individuals who were intent on destroying the project at any cost; for legal reasons I cannot go into details in that regard.

I reluctantly deleted my Twitter account and complained to the police.  According to Twitter at first I was a virgin, then I was having it off with a female director of the company, then I was gay, then I was a paedophile.  Unfortunately, the police only respond to Twitter abuse of women, not men.  They weren't interested.  However, as it happens the trolls were also abusing a woman who was involved with the project.  The abuse she received was many, many times worse than anything I experienced.

It gives me no satisfaction to announce that one of the trolls responsible has now been sentenced to 25 months at His Majesty's Pleasure.  He's a father of three and should have known better.  The Vega+ debacle will eventually catch up with every wrongdoer.  Justice is a slow, lumbering beast but it usually gets there in the end.  Those managing certain websites and YouTube channels need to get their houses in order.

As for the Vega+?  I believe around 400 were eventually shipped but with awkward buttons and around 30 games on, all but a couple of which were mine.  It could and should have been so much better.  The coming months and years will tell if those responsible for destroying such an exciting and promising project will face justice.

Whether or not they do, I hope that they can reflect on their behaviour and do better in future.


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