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The programme for 2021 is below.

Check back regularly in case any dates or times change. Note that event cancellations will be marked by scored through text.

Unfortunately Covid-19 restrictions and government recommendations of avoiding all unnecessary social contact mean we cannot currently gather in person for our meetings.

Until restrictions are lifted, CAG will hold virtual online events and some live streamed observing sessions. 

For updates on any CAG online meetings available to the public please visit the CAG facebook page

One bonus of the use of online meetings has been the opportunity for CAG members to use new arrangements to collaborate with, and join the meetings of other astronomical groups in the north of Scotland (HAS, SIGMA, AAS & NRAG).


CAG Programme of Events for 2021

Programme under development (remember to check our Facebook page for further details and short notice announcements relating to our events)


Sat 23rd Jan - Live Views of The Moon from Caithness

Fri 12th Feb (7.30pm) - "Celebrating 30 Years of the Hubble Space Telescope". Join us for a series of short talks on the HST. This talk will be streamed live for members of the public to view via the CAG Facebook page

Sat 27th Feb (10.30am) - AGM. Joining info for this online meeting will be sent to members by email before the event. Should non-member wish to attend then a request can be sent via our online contact form.

March - CAG at the Caithness International Science Festival

6th March - "Stargazing under the Dark Skies of Northern Scotland" (Gordon Mackie) + short live stream of the Caithness night sky (weather permitting)

9th March - "Meteorites and the Solar System" - Dr Mike Simms (National Museums NI)

12th March - "Hunting for an Impact Crater in Scotland" - Dr Mike Simms (National Museums NI)

19-21 March - "Getting to Know Our Celestial Neighbour The Moon - A Guided Tour with Live Streamed Telescope Observations" (weather permitting) 

The Science Festival Events were recorded and are available to view via the Festival website and Youtube channel.

Fri 16th Apr (7.30pm) - “The Sky: why it matters and how we might lose it” - Prof Andy Lawrence (Institute of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh)

Fri 21st May (7.30pm) - "The more you look, the more you see" - at this members event CAG Chair Gordon Mackie talks about observing and imaging the Moon. Non-members wishing to attend this event should get in touch to obtain joining details.

Fri 9th July (7.30pm) - "Extremophiles and why there must be life elsewhere in the Universe" - Dr Martin Braddock (rescheduled from 18th June)

Fri 13th August (7.30pm) - “Catching a Shooting Star” – Dr Queenie Chan, Royal Holloway, University of London

Fri 24th September (7.30pm)  -  "Working with lunar regolith: challenges and opportunities for agriculture and human health" - Dr Martin Braddock

Fri 29th October (7.30pm) - "Saturn's moon - Enceladus: oceans, geysers....and life?" - Prof Keith Nicholson



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