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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 25/06/2022.

This was in the 1980's...Jess was bred by Jack Burk, Fleck was by Jess's brother ( but registered as by another dog) and Sadghyl Pip...bred by A Hart. My first merles. Fleck introduced me to sheepdog work and trials but I was not a good enough handler to do anything useful, tho inspite of me she sometimes did. I did learn, by about my 3rd dog. Joss. He took me places. Again, usually inspite of me. XXX

Killiebrae Jazz and

Canen Boss (Pip's gg grandson) produced

Killiebrae Joss, and Joss

with Killiebrae Belle produced 

Comebye Frost 


and daughters Comeby Bree ( J Cook, Egton)

and Comebye Jazz (Anni Ritakellio, Finland) who came 6th in the English Nationals 2015, the proudest moment of my life (untill Chap ROM went as reserve to the Internationals in Ireland 2018)

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