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Alford Fiddlers play for Prince Edward
16 September 2009

An eventful day today, having been asked to play at Tullynessle Hall during the visit of His Royal Highness Prince Edward, who stopped off at the hall to meet local community representatives and partake of the excellent food layed out in the hall. The Prince had previously attended the official opening of the new collection hall at the Grampian Transport Museum and had also cut the ribbon at the opening of the new Montgarrie Bridge. He had a punishing schedule but found time to listen to two new tunes written by Don McLellan, namely "Alford's Welcome to Prince Edward" and "The New Montgarrie Bridge", and was presented with a framed copy of the new tunes by the composer on behalf of the Alford Fiddlers, having spoken to the group at some length beforehand. By all accounts, attendees (and we hope the Prince is included in this) enjoyed the playing which accompanied the buffet lunch.

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