
Availability Calendar Page

The Availability Module page has been created for users who let accommodation, studios, etc, and who need a convenient and resposnive way to show availabiulity online. This facility allows you to quickly update and availability calendar so as to keep prospective users or customers informed.

This is how the availability calendar page looks . . .

spanglefish - availability calendar

As you can see, 'booked' days are show in orange, and available days shown in green. This gives a quick and easy-to-use idea of what days are available and whihc aren't.

Editing your Availability Calendar Properties

Once logged in, and you have navigated to your Availability Page*, you'll see that as well as the standard blue control panel and buttons at the top of the page, there is also a 'Change Availability Properties' button directly above the calendar. Clicking this button lets you configure the calendar for such things as the anme of the accommodation/facility being let, the number of calendar months to be displayed on the page, the start date for the displayed calendar, and the day that you want letting weeks to start.

(* Note that by default your availability calendar may be set to 'hidden' status. To activate it and make it visible on your site, you'll need to use Site Settings > Manage Pages > Change page visibility.)

spanglefish 2 - availability calendar properties

Editing your Availability Calendar events

Marking weeks or days as 'taken' in your calendar is very easy. Simply click on the day you want marked and it automatically changes from green to orange. To mark an entire week as taken, simply click on the small arrow in the left-most block in the row. Easy. 

If you need to 'unmark' a day or week, simply click on it again and it will change from orange back to green.

spanglefish - availability editor - marking days and weeks

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