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Christian Missionaries Take over Pagan Forums
27 April 2011

 Christian Missionaries Take over Pagan  Forums

(December 04)
Is Christo/Pagan (C/P ) interfaith  just another clandestine missionary Xtian outreach to incredibly naive head-in-the-sand Pagans that cannot make their minds up about what they actually believe?
Unfortunately many of today's pretend Pagans do not realise how the relentless Fundie Machine is manipulating them at every step of the way.
Countless newbies to occultism (and a few out-of-touch elders, who have fallen for the sad old, PF-style  Christo/Pagan interfaith line) seem to believe that the plethora of Christo/Pagan groups and websites offer a serious opportunity for Pagans to join hands with a historically intolerant faith system that exists to convert and/or suppress other smaller faiths around the globe. These fools comically believe that the Church wants to somehow join forces with the occult (its anciently perceived enemy) at interfaith moots to create a cordial  atmosphere of trust, love and light.
As PAN, and also the SAFF, has clearly stated many times before, interfaith liaison for occultists with tolerant religions that do not proselytise (i.e. actively seek converts by fair means or foul from other faiths) is a fabulous thing to be greatly welcomed. However, giving yet more power over to the leading missionary-based theology that has worked overtime to disenfranchise, defame and ultimately murder unbelievers for countless centuries is totally ludicrous and most dangerous in the extreme. It is not progressive, cool or in any way  productive for pagans to seek so-called acceptance to practice via Church approval either. As the largest majority theology, (at least in the UK) the Church will always have the final say over smaller faiths when push comes to shove at any 'officially-approved' interfaith office.
Into this maelstrom of spiritual confusion based on ridiculous New Age naivety the Church is quick to offer it's smiling, extended hand countenance to any plastic (i.e. those numbskulls shouting -  'we want to be accepted')   Pagan that will listen. And the old groups of SRAM - promoting fundie outfits (such as Reachout Trust) are waiting in the wings to once again foster their end-of-time messianic worldview on the rest of us. A worldview that depends on the so-called Second Coming being marked by wholesale satanic activity as a blinkered society discovered to its great cost during the last SRAM round. If satanic activity is not uncovered then the evangelicals will simply invent it which results in social insanity leading to dawn raids by misled police and innocent children being dragged into social service care. The match to light this anti-occult fuse is still unfortunately glowing red hot!
Sadly, untutored yet possibly well-meaning occultists are paving the way for the Church to push its one-sided and  exclusive philosophy in by the back door. Some have unbelievably aided and abetted this disconcerting situation to develop via their thoughtless connection with the aforementioned Christian Pagan interfaith axis, wrongly thinking that they could somehow make a difference to contemporary religious understanding by liaising with the more liberal-minded vicars who offer the attractive hand of friendship. These seemingly  nice vicars are always finally accountable to their anti-occultist doctrinal system which is naturally supported by their leaders in high places. 
Also, do please recall that some of these nice vicars (who have recently been openly accepted by terminally thick Pagans) have even stated that they think the 'occult is dangerous.'
Is the so-called Pagan and Christian Moot website, which is supposedly used by people of both religions and proudly boasts - 'Bringing faith communities together,' an arena for tolerance, love and mutual respect? Is it a place to learn about other faiths in a friendly and educational fashion - or could it be linked to a highly anti-occultist Xtian outreach for plastic Pagans who profess to be Pagan yet have never really succeeded in liberating their hearts/minds away from the subconscious thrall of the Church?
The Pagan & Christian moot site appears at first glance to promote a companionable type of respect betwixt Xtians and Pagans yet under the calm surface the situation may be rather different. Check this anti-occultist post by one 'wigginsmum', (aka Jules) site admin and claimed wife of the site owner.
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:20 pm Post subject:
"As I have come under increasing attack from fellow Christians because of my involvement here, let me state my position clearly:
I believe Jesus is the only way to God and that other paths are spiritually deceptive (in fact, demonic) and will not lead people to God. I was a witch for eight years; I know what I am talking about in the previous statement. I do not compromise the Gospel, nor am I involved in watering it down in order to make people feel comfortable. I post here as it is another opportunity to share the Gospel with those who need to hear it. My desire is that they repent and be born again.
Many Christians do not know how to evangelise to Pagans and occultists, so for any Christians who wander through here, let me say that one of the top complaints from Pagans is that Christians will not engage with them simply as people. I think this happens through fear and weak faith. Pagans are among the people for whom Jesus died, and His desire is that they hear the Gospel and come to Him. I am simply fulfilling my small part of the Great Commission and will answer to God for how well I used the talents and opportunities He entrusted to me.
I do not own this website; I do not pay for it. I am a poster and a member of the admin staff; my Pagan husband Mike is the site owner. "
"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Col 4:6
Proof Positive of the campaign to divide and conquer which PAN and the SAFF have warned you all about for years.
 "spiritually deceptive (in fact, demonic)". Sound familiar language?
This is the exact type of worrying anti-occultist  Reachout-style terminology used by every fundie activist that entered into advisory liaisons/seminars with social workers, leading child charities and police BEFORE the last SRAM cases fired up. What the hell would ANY sensible occultist be doing by playing games with such zealots?
The comment "Many Christians do not know how to evangelise to Pagans and occultists" is rather revealing too. So the site administer openly admits that she is out to seek converts from a faith system that she perceives as  "Demonic." Well at least we have more fundie honestly here than we have had from the latest Laurel & Hardy interfaith antics between the Pagan Federation and the Church of England. 
The Pagan & Christian moot site also appears to attract other anti-occultist activists who have a self-professed interest in converting Witches for Christ.
Take for instance  American Christian missionary  Kathi Sharpe, a so-called 'ex-witch' who claims to have been a leader in AOL's pagan community for 5 or 6 years. Sharpe apparently runs Ex-witch ministries which is a site dedicated to converting Pagans.
Ex-witch site not only carries supposed testimonies from ex-witches and occultists who have  conveniently found Jesus Christ but also links to Reachout Trust and many other overtly anti-occult groups who have in the past (via SRAM) posed a threat to occultists everywhere. Ex-witch site openly admits that these sites which it supports are against occultism.
Sharpe appears to be a regular poster on the Pagan & Christian moot site and the site admin at Pagan & Christian moot consists of some people who are self-confessed  ex-witches that think the occult is 'Demonic'.
One 'Kathi' (presumably Kathi Sharpe - Ex-witch founder) even indicated to readers on her guestbook that she was working with UK fundies Reachout Trust. It's surprising how many so-called ex-witches have helped Reachout to foster its negative conclusions about the occult onto the rest of society. Such help has lead to SRAM and all the misery which it has brought on society.
13.12.2004 08:31 AM
Hi Polly,
"Reachout DOES have some issues and yes, they are perpetrating some myths. There's two kinds of people who tell lies about witches, see -- there's the folks who are out on the speaking circuit who know better but are making $$$, and there's the folks who genuinely care, genuinely love, and are genuinely misinformed. The people I've dealt with so far at RT fall into the latter category, and so we are working with them to clarify exactly what is what."
Reachout "misinformed"? Ye gods - that's a good one!
Nothing could be further from the truth as this SRA-promoting outfit have been studying occultism for ages (to foster their exclusive end-of-time, messianic worldview onto society) and they know more about pagan paths than many actual practitioners.
We monitored several recent posting on the Ex-witch guestbook and naturally any debate that veered too close to their links with Reachout was apparently deleted very fast with nice alternative offers to correspond with Kathi & Co  via email or personal message  ONLY. This is a typical fundie stifle method to  quieten valid dissenters and deflect attention away from the real concerns which matter. Naturally, seeking any type of fair debate about these issues on such forums is largely futile as comments that broach the 'real' issues involved will doubtless be strangled at conception.
We thank the good folk that have brought this matter to our attention and now hold all relevant data for future attention and analysis.

Ex-witch link to the PF?
Are ex-PF officials now actually helping the Fundie Machine with its dirty work against occultists?
With current information available to PAN it appears that the 'Jules' mentioned above is the same person Julie James who stated on her own Ex-witch testimony:
"I immersed myself in it for 8 years on the London Pagan scene, was eventually involved with several groups as well as my own private spiritual practice, was editorial secretary on the magazine “Pagan Dawn,” and met and married Mike. We then started training in a coven."
'Pagan Dawn' is the official journal of the Pagan Federation.
We should not need to spell out the very real dangers to Paganism of an ex-witch who once worked with  sensitive/confidential Pagan info in the very heart of PF officialdom and who now liaises with groups like Reachout Trust, via a missionary outreach to Wiccans etc. 
And how's about these quotes from Reachout...
"We are now working much closer with Tom Pouson and the Christian Response To The Occult to create a database and to run the occult helpline. ..."
"INTER-FAITH' : Here we want to mention that both the Archbishops of Canterbury and York feel that there was nothing wrong with the multi- faith celebration at Canterbury in September. Peter also sent us a copy of a prayer that the Bishop of Oxford suggested be used in an appropriate service for the rights of Jews, and Muslims. . Whereas we may want to pray for these groups the following extract from the prayer shows just how much some in the Anglican Church are compromising these days."
It was also reported in the press:
Reachout Demo:  
"Spiritualists holding a clairvoyance demonstration in Lincoln were accused of being involved in unwholesome spiritual forces, by the Reachout Team from Lincoln who distributed religious tracts against the New Age outside the meeting."
Anyone who thinks that Reachout are anything other than ultra extreme should recall that they boast that the town of Inverness is almost Dungeons and Dragons free after they warned toyshops of the 'dangers' of the game. RT warned that: 
"a doorway into occultic realms is opened up and it must be closed"
The farcical Christian-Pagan interfaith situation is nothing more than a cleverly-designed  Xtian missionary ploy to reach the un-churched, and Paganism (a growing religion) is a prime target for this evangelical attention. Moreover, the Pagan Federation appear to be playing a similar game with their recent conference invitation to a Church of England vicar who just happens to be studying Wicca after the award of a £1,000 bursary from the Ecclesiastical insurance group. The C of E is, like all other Xtian denominations, based first and foremost on evangelisation and they don't pump funds into campaigns that jeopardise this policy.
Oddly enough, the leaders in the PF don't seem to understand this particular point.
They also seem unconcerned that some of their in-the-know ex-officials now work for the fundamentalist forces of  anti-occultism.
It has also been brought to PAN's attention that numerous posters on regular well-known Pagan and Wiccan forums are also frequent users of the Ex-witch and the Christian and Pagan moot site forums, which indicates that crafty evangelical plants/moles are already deeply ingrained into various levels of the occult substructure. Their goal is to quietly defame the Pagan faiths, seek converts and they are definitely succeeding as we have shown above, thanks to the ignorance and trust of many fools that 'should' know better.
Come on - wakey wakey Paganism, can't you see when you've been had?
In light of this small example of where the ludicrous and unworkable C/P interfaith sham is now leading we ask:
Pagan and Christian interfaith - the way for the Church to build bridges to the occult?
 You bet - and Pagans will 'not' be the winners!
Reachout Trust have something to say concerning these 'bridges' too:
"We want truth and we want to build bridges to those in these beliefs."
Many older hands to occultism will be painfully aware of the involvement of Reachout in promoting satanic hysteria. However, we would urge the new generation of Wiccans and Pagans to study this short explanation below.
REACHOUT was the fundamentalist group which single-handedly promoted the Witchcraft Scare of 1988-1994.
Virtually every single report, magazine article, interview and programme had input directly or behind the scenes from Reachout. Every one of those lunatic headlines (Satanists Ate My Baby -  Witches Sent My Son Insane etc) captured the sheer disinformation based on nothing but pure evangelical extremism that Reachout frequently spewed out.  It was they who prepared 20 so-called 'cases' to prove the existence of Ritual Abuse which they presented to a Parliamentary committee but all of them turned out to be counterfeit in the course of time. It was they who promoted and supported Geoffrey Dickens, the MP who tried to get a private members bill through to ban Paganism and Witchcraft. Reachout is a religious charity setup to counter 'cults'.  It was an avowed intention of Reachout to destroy Paganism at source and convert Pagans to Christianity. 
The SRAM scare resulted in 86 children being lifted by Social Services and lots of families being destroyed. In at least 2 cases deaths occurred which were directly attributable to the hysteria surrounding the SRA scare. When the pack of cards came tumbling down due to the fantastic work of the SAFF, Reachout backed out and tried to escape the ramifications of the hate it had previously generated, but after a long time under wraps here they are again, using subterfuge to disadvantage Pagans and dissuade them from their beliefs - and to their eternal shame,  many stupid and well-meaning Pagans are actually giving room for them to purvey their religious intolerance.
See also:
Ex-witch/vampire turned born-again Xtian sells out to Reachout Trust!
More evidence of how gullible plastic Pagans (who liaise with smooth-talking evangelists) are taking us closer to the NEXT round of SRAM!
We note that since this series of PAN warning about missionary Ex-witch, Pagan & Christian moot links with Reachout Trust the site in question has currently removed their previous  Reachout link (albeit with excuses for doing so based on other claimed minor  issues with RT) from its website links page:
Reachout Trust
This is rather comical when we consider Sharp's personal take on SRA:
"There's no reason to disbelieve. My personal belief is that satanic ritual abuse CAN happen. There are some crazy people - evil people corrupted by sin - in this world. That children might be hurt by them isn't much of a leap of logic!"
The term double-standards comes directly to mind - 'very' worrying double standards too!
Apart from the anti-occult axis - how many more kids will need to be taken into care and their families destroyed BEFORE you will listen to what PAN and SAFF say?
(1) PAN were right in every respect
(2) The PF were wrong in every respect.
(3) Interfaith is being used as a missionary device by the fundies.
(4) Neo-Paganism is riddled with fundie sleepers.
(5) American missionaries are provably linking up with SRA-promoting UK zealots to disenfranchise all occultists and their beliefs.
PAN realises that the vast majority of Christians are not fundamentalist or evangelical in make up and we only criticise religious extremists who seek to disenfranchise other faiths whilst bolstering their own. PAN does not in any way condone violence against any persons or property and we must state that we have always worked towards a more tolerant and equal society.   
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