SpanglefishKinlochbervie Camanachd | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 19/01/2014.
New Kit from RAF
20 August 2010

In June, our under 17s travelled to Inverness to take part in the Strathdearn Juvenile Sixes Cup. The team made up of boys and girls from S5 to S2 played against some excellent teams from big Shinty Country and although losing their matches did so only by one goal on most occassions. They played brillaint shinty and should be very proud of their games. Among the spectators and supporting the KLB team was Andy Dawson from the RAF who had come along to present the club with new training kits sponsored by the RAF. They are great quality and the kids all look very smart! Thanks Andy!

The Golden Ball winner was Sophie Clark.

The Under 17s with Andy Dawson.

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