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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 19/01/2014.
Ben Stack Walk
18 May 2009

Last Saturday on a very wet and windy day, the youngsters and leaders intending to climb Ben Nevis next month, went on a practise walk up Ben Stack. Andy Dawson from the RAF also accompanied the group and provided lots of encouragment along the way. The walkers were in great fettle and even the terrible weather didn't dampen their spirits or their resolve to get to the top. Two hours after leaving the bus at the Stack Stables the group got to the top of the 2365ft Ben although they couldn't get across the ridge due to the 50mph winds! Half an hour later they stopped for lunch before heading south west to meet the path in Strath Stack and following it into Achfary where Mr. Jones awaited with the bus - a very welcome sight.

John gives us direction as we leave the path for the steep climb.

The group heading down (Kyle was taking the pic!)

Our very own Sherpa Jones!

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