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08 August 2020
New Round-Robin event on Monday Evenings starts Mon 10th August

President Derek Flyn is organising a series of weekly round-robin style singles matches, every Monday evening starting Monday 10th August at 7 p.m. No pre-booking is required, just turn up at least 5 mins before 7pm for a prompt 7 p.m. start on Monday evenings.

Normal guidelines have to be followed at all times, the main ones being :

  • Players need to change outside the Clubhouse and can only enter the Clubhouse to use the toilet facilities. Hand drying materials must be provided by each individual using the facility and taken home with them for washing / disposing of. Each individual member who use the toilets are responsible for wiping all surfaces that they touch, prior and after using the facility with their own gel or wipes.
  • Jacks can be set at short, medium or long by the same player after each end rather than rolling the jack down the rink for position. This guideline may be amended on the night by Derek if more than 3 greens are needed to accommodate members who turn up to play - we only have 6 jacks.
  • Members are responsible themselves for the cleaning of any equipment used ( bowls, mats and jacks ). Every member who comes along to play under this plan, has to take responsibility for their own actions and should always practice safe hygiene practices at all times. The 2m social distancing rule must always be observed on and off the green. The wearing of a face mask is a personal choice for each individual to make.
  • Derek will ensure the names of those are playing are entered onto the Daily Sheet in order to fulfil the Scottish Government’s contract tracing requirements.
  • It is very important that any members who have COVID-19 symptoms, or anyone in their household displaying symptoms, should NOT attend Beauly Bowling Club. They must stay at home and follow NHS guidance. The symptoms of coronavirus are : a high temperature, a new and continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
  • You are all very much encouraged to come along to play, but only if you feel safe and wish to come, and enjoy a friendly game of bowls, hopefully on a warm summer evening - do not forget the midge spray.
  • Keep safe and healthy at all times.
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