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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 15/01/2021.

Introduction to Prehistory - Palaeolithic to Iron Age

Ref: C2343223

Our tutor, Simon Tomson, will provide an introduction to British Prehistory from 1 million years ago up to 1 BC. The course will examine human origins to developing flint, copper, bronze and iron tools. We will look at human development, concepts of time, human adaptations to the environment, artefact manufacture, site formation, developments in human culture and the 'discovery' of metals and their uses.

The course starts on  Tuesday 31st March 2020  and runs until 12th May. The time is 10am until 12.00

The fee for the 7 sessions is £56. or Free if you are in receipt of an income related benefit.

Venue: Salvation Army Hall, Church Street, Louth, Lincs, LN11 9BS

The reference no. is C2343038. To enroll go to  or phone (tel: 0300 303 3464).



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