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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Welcome to Ukaneco

We are part of the Wikaniko co-operative showing people how to be a little GREENER and helping others to build a growing part time income and a meaningful business. If you are interested in learning more  you can visit and see our retail web site with over 850 products and a mass of resources to help you become GREENER as well as saving money and helping the environment. All of the products are as eco friendly as possible and as well as not being tested on animals ( unless they are for use with animals ) do not contain  parabens, sls and other chemicals that can harm the environment.

The idea is to become GREENER ' one step at a time' by replacing product types we already use, as needed by those that are more eco friendly.

 Make sure to visit the FEEDBACK menu if you want us to contact you!  Why not take  just 4 minutes and listen to our information line.

0808 129 0140  it costs nothing to find out more..........

Graham Mycock

Independent Wikaniko  Direct Distributor

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