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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Hello and welcome to my website.I will try and update the website weekly.This website will show shows what will be on tv and what it is about and what time and channel it will be on so you will never miss a tv program you adore again.Below is news about updates what have happened to the website.

30/7/09 Hi i have added my own guestbook.You can now post comments on it related to tv or movies or the website.Please read the rules before starting to post because if you break the rules your post wont go live and you will be banned from the guestbook.Hope you enjoy your time there!

30/7/09 For those who want news about different things on tv and movies then im starting to put some stories about it on the news page currently I got news about Coronation Street! Expect more news later today and in the future.



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