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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 07/06/2011.
January Retreat a success
16 January 2011

January Retreat

The week of 8-15 January saw Glencanisp Lodge filled with a mix of photographers and writers, ten of us altogether, a perfectly balanced group. The photographers, led by Bruce Percy, enjoyed the snowy conditions and took some stunning shots (the sample above is by Jim Wilson). The five writers wrote stage and radio plays, poetry, short stories and progressed a novel.

Evenings were a joyful sharing of poetry and stories, with some magnificent slide shows. One evening Agnes Dickson came and sang Gaelic songs to us, and there was a feeling of connection to the many ceilidhs that go on beside the fireside.

One morning, Mary King came to lead a sketching session. As always, great pleasure was had from walks around Glencanisp Lodge and some walks were a little more organised: to the bothy at Suileag, to the beach at Achmelvich (where Scott's castle was a much-enjoyed highlight), and out along the coastline with a borrowed dog.

New Year's resolutions were kept and broken, and a lovely time was had by all.

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