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This especially designed website is for personal contact with your councillor, made for easy contact.

In this day and age it is so important to have an easy way of contacting those who matter in a simple straight forward manner.

Sometimes mobiles phones have to be switched off or are not accessable for one reason or another - so this is clearly another means of communication.   It has the advantage of the written word when all the details be easily given and received.

Messages (via CONTACT ME) come through to the councillor's email inbox, both on their mobile phone and computer/ iPad, and therefore receive attention as soon as possible.

The COMMUNITY LINKS page provides links to other websites, which may be of help and can often save time and effort.  This page provides the most up-to-date facilities of contacting others in this day and age.

Your councillor is committed to give the best service possible - this website helps to do just that.



All information on this website is given in good faith.  No responsiblity or liability  can be accepted by the councillor or NPT CBC for any errors or omissions.

Advertisements, which are put on this website by the hosting service, are not endorsed in anyway whatsoever by the councillor or by NPT CBC and their officials.

The design and layout is copyright and all rights are reserved - 2013

Note that this is a demonstation website and the text is for information.
Actual websites can relate more to Councillors and can be altered to suit

Designed to make Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council the most progessive council in the UK.   Made for councillors by residents for their use and to benefit the Heritage Scene on a not for profit basis.

 The private sector working in harmony with the public sector
on a voluntary basis to benefit the community









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