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"So," you ask "what is The Wedding Fairy?"

The question should probably begin with a Who rather than a What.  From time to time I seem to have managed to get roped in to helping with friends' weddings, either on a small scale or a much larger one.  On doing my research and speaking with brides-to-be, I have been increasingly shocked at the prices charged once the W word is mentioned.

My latest venture was answering a wanted ad on Freecycle.  Due to circumstances, the lovely lady was advertising for 'any wedding things' which people might be able to offer.  I contacted her with an offer of general help, and ended up really examining what people want vs what people can afford on their wedding day.

Not only am I hoping to help brides on a budget achieve a lovely wedding day by giving them advice on cheap and chic ideas that are not going to break the bank (theirs or mum & dad's!), but also to offer really inexpensively priced wedding bits to hire in my local area.

One of the first examples I am going to give is that of my own wedding.  Please read my story - it's a great example of people having a fabulous day, on a really small budget.

Any feedback, other ideas, examples etc would be more than welcome; I think this is going to be an on-going project and your personal experiences would help others have the best day of their lives!



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