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Welcome to the Shai Sanctuary Kaneva

The Shai Sanctuary is a small gamer society located inside the Entropia Universe; a remarkably stunning and constantly expanding massively multiplayer online virtual universe created and operated by the Swedish internet developer MindArk PE. The society was set up to assist and support new gamers with the aim of enhancing their in-world experience; a virtual existence which many ‘noobs’ and older gamers can sometimes find a little challenging and in some cases, and rather unfortunately, simply off-putting. This is exacerbated even more so when gamers do not have access to PEDs, the in-world currency that keeps the Entropia Universe real-cash economy ticking over. However with some guidance here and there and a few good friends, new gamers can get by and in generally improve on their lot.

In addition to offering support to new gamers and those who might need extra help or, the Shai Sanctuary particularly welcomes membership from physically or mentally disabled gamers, or those gamers whose lives are challenged by equally debilitating circumstances.

With respect to disability and online gaming, the Shai Sanctuary maintains two firmly held beliefs. Firstly that online gaming has a fundamental role to play both in terms of overcoming socio-cultural discriminatory barriers. The only discriminatory factor that might blight any given virtual world, and even then it is very unlikely occurence, might be a gamer’s lack of skill. Otherwise, and unless individuals decide to share their personal circumstances with each other, there are no discernable signs of disability related discrinintation in online virtual worlds; by virtue of relative anonymity, everyone is equal. Secondly, the Shai Sactuary believes that online virtual worlds present new and exciting therapeutic opportunities to disabled gamers in terms of interface interaction, emotional engagement and personal re-invention. Such worlds favour inclusion, comradely and shared adventure, from in-world social get-togethers, to various team events, to group explorations either on foot or by some form of transportation.

In addition to this formal blog which is primarily aimed at academics and researchers, the society also hosts another more informal blog for its society members and fellow Entropians alike although everyone is more than welcome to add their thoughts and comments to either blog. The member’s blog can be found at the following URL:

In addition to the society blogs there is also a Shai Sanctuary Society website. This is currently in early development and an announcement will be made on this blog prior to its launch, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Peace to you all.


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