SpanglefishThe Greenhouse Dingwall | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

The Greenhouse
14 High Street
IV15 9RU

01349 867135

Open 10am - 5pm Mon – Sat

The Greenhouse Project is a not for profit business that seeks to invest all profit into social, community and environmental projects in Dingwall and the surrounding areas. We are completely self funded and have never taken any form of grants or other funding. We are also highly committed to recycling and being a centre for information.

We have books, local wildlife information, bric a brac, toys, Eco-friendly goods, furniture, modern and vintage clothing and textiles as well as a café with outdoor garden area. We also have our community gathering space ‘Upstairs’ available for music, films, meetings, arts&crafts

The shop relies on donations from our community and we accept pretty much anything apart from large electrical goods. We are not just a charity shop, we are a community shop and we hope to be a place of opportunity so your ideas are always welcome.

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