SpanglefishThe Great Towpath Dog Walk | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Towpath Walk Website Mk II

As the original website has now stopped allowing me to put photographs on, I have created this new site basically just to make the photographs from the second leg of the walk available.  I will put the best of the first lot on as well, but I shall not transfer the bulk of the text.  I'll put on a version of the round-up I wrote for those who don't have the Internet, the map, and information about the fund, but the old site remains open at, and you can find the blog and the list of sponsors (and all the rest of it) there - I will keep them updated.

The closing date for the fund is 18th March, so if you are intending to contribute but haven't yet done so, please do so now!  Contributions arriving after this date will still go into Adam's funds but won't be included in the walk total.  I have to have a cut-off somewhere and declare a total, and this date allows time for the Gift Aid element to be processed before the end of the financial year.

Once again, thank you everyone for your part in this extremely successful project!




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