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Welcome to The Family Bond Site - Zaffar Aise


Beat The Credit Crunch And Double Your Money.

This is an offer to my Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, Nephews and Cousins who may be getting poor returns on their investments, who want to benefit from the property market without being a landlord, or those with capital just sitting in their accounts doing nothing.

I would like to raise £200,000.00 by offerring 'Family Bonds' in units of £1000.00, with a return on investment(ROI) of 100% in 5 years. Thats double your investment! I am confident in guaranteeing this level of ROI because of my experience of the London (UK) property market over the last 8 years. With my knowledge and experience of this market I have identified properties in the right locations at the right price to be able to offer this guarantee.

The property market in the UK is different from the US in key areas, the main ones being that in the UK there is limited land to build on, there is a hugh shortfall in properties for waiting families, and we have limited capacity for building new homes. These areas are more acute in London where the rental demand is still strong.

The Family Bond is a means of giving me a personal loan for 5 years and your guaranteed return of 100% net of tax. Taxes will be paid annually on the property or properties. So if you have £1000.00 to £100,000.00 that you do not need to use for the next 5 years let me turn it to £2000.00/£200,000.00! Your investment and ROI are both guaranteed by me. Legal documents will be provided to each individual family member investing in the Family Bond.

Site Last Updated - 17/03/2009 14:12:30
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