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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Welcome to my website !

Briefly my background is that I was born in the mid 1930s in the West Midlands. After leaving school I trained as an architect and in 1972 I moved to London. I took early retirement in 1992.

The foregoing has little if any relevance to the sort of website I am thinking about. In the course of its progress and development I expect my ideas to resonate with many people but I also expect a lot of contraversy, disagreement and animosity.

I do not wish to exaggerate the scope of what I propose to cover but it will be very wide covering our freedom, our democracy, our governments, our society, economics, currency, the land, relations with other countries, foreign trade and probably other issues as they come up. Occasionally, I might throw in an image to illustrate a point or just for relief.

Please feel free to peruse this site, and get involved in any discussions that may arise...

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