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Welcome to Shahi Public School


Shahi Public School starts with the vision of  preparing the students as Global Citizens of future with scientific approach and quest for knowledge. Overcoming the narrow boundaries of fear, superstitions and dogmas, our students grow and develop with free spirit, broader vision and enlightened mind. 

Value Education

Stress is being laid on value education to inculcate moral values, ethics and Indian culture among the students. It is developed through singing National song, reciting Shlokas, narrating religious stories and celebrating the birth anniversaries of saints, scholars and great leaders. 

National Integrity

The school encourages harmony and peace by giving equal importance and showing equal respect to all religions. Discrimination on the basis of caste creed, colour, religion are discouraged creating an atmosphere of unity, integrity and brotherhood.

Preparing global citizens

The school has vision to prepare the students as Global Citizens of future with scientific approach and quest for knowledge. Overcoming the narrow boundaries of fear, superstitions and dogmas, our students grow and develop with free spirit, broader vision and enlightened mind.

Our Teacher’s – Why they are the Best?

All the teachers of Shahi Public School are the strong pillars providing immense strength to the institution in various fields, be it Academics, Co – curricular Activities and Games & Sports. They are dedicated and devoted, rendering their selfless service in shaping and nurturing the students under their care. Each one is equipped with the best of knowledge and experience and they believe in teamwork.


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