SpanglefishScottish Clocks | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Thank you for your interest.  Unfortunately this site is under construction (and has been for a while!)  so there are no pretty pictures to look at yet.  If you need to see some pictures of what can be achieved then try the Facebook page (link on the What we Do page).  However, the workshop is open and working and there are superb, genuine antique longcase and other clocks for sale and to view.


Normal working hours are

Mondays - Fridays  0900 - 1800

Saturdays  0900-1300

However, occasionally I am required to visit clocks on site so please telephone first before making a special journey.

The phone number is 01467 681655 during business hours only.  Please do not phone outwith these times! Phoning me at five minutes to five on Hogmanay and wanting your clock for the bells at midnight won't get endear yourself to me!! (it happened).

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