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Games Weekend!
22 July 2011

It's that time of year again when all the big strong men come from all over the world to take part in the Highland Games! Saturday from 2:30pm if you want to see the Games in all their glory..........If, like me, you're more likely to be found in the beer tent, I'll see you there!! Lol..

Schiehallion will be playing in and around town this weekend, starting tonight in Hootananny from 9:30pm. Always a busy venue and one where you can have a wee dance.....

Saturday starts in the Gellions for the ceilidh from 5pm until 8pm followed by a trip across the bridge to Macnabs. Another good place for dancing! Usually a bit more room there. We'll see you around 9:30pm....

Sunday is a repeat of last year's visit to Invergordon for the Country and Western Festival. It's only for an hour, but it's your best chance to see line dancing to Scottish music!!!

Later on in the Gellions you can take part in the Recovery Session from 5pm until 8pm. This week the band are planning to head out later to celebrate the birthdays of Craig (18 years old now! aaahh he's all grown up!) and Stuart (25 years old - omg a quarter century!!!)

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