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Craig's birthday!
17 November 2010

Well it's a quiet week for the band with a rare Saturday off to look forward to!! Ok for them, but what are we to do? I'm getting my hair done so you'll have to come along to the Gellions to see what colour I'm going for this time!!

Anyway, today is our friend Craig's 40th birthday. He's currently out on his fishing boat, but you never know when he might appear so fingers crossed eh Laura??!!?? If he makes it off the boat, we'll see him in the Gellions for the midweek session from 9.30pm.

Friday night finds Schiehallion in Macnabs from 9.30pm. Saturday is the usual ceilidh from 5pm til 8pm in the Gellions. What we're going to do after that is anyone's guess!

Sunday is the recovery session in the Gellions from 5pm til 8pm. Now that's definitely not one to miss!!!!

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