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MOD Prep
05 October 2010

Schiehallion are playing in Wick and Thurso next week during the annual MOD so they're having a bit of a quiet week in order to rest Kenny's voice.

Wednesday night they're in the Gellions for the midweek session. I might just have to go along since I haven't done that in a while and my friend Craig's home from the sea just now.

Friday is a private function in Strathpeffer. You need to be invited to the wedding or you can't go!

Saturday afternoon at the Gellions at 5pm is always the best way to start your night out. I made the most of it last week and started my session at half past 3!!! Managed to make it to the end of the night too........

There's a bus going up to Dornoch on Saturday  night after the Gellions. The Eagle Inn are hosts for the evening. I won't be there as I'm going to a wedding myself in Dingwall.

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