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Weekend away.
13 April 2010

After last week's quiet weekend at home, it's time to pay a visit to our friends in Skye and in Dingwall.

Tomorrow night, the boys are in the Gellions from 9:30pm. Friday night it's time to cross the bridge to Skye and the King Haakon, Kyleakin. Saturday's regular gig in the Gellions at 5pm is followed by another trip across another bridge. This time it's across the Kessock Bridge and over to the Ross-shire Club in Dingwall for a 9pm start. Sunday is back to the Gellions at 5pm to recover.

In amongst all that is a visit to Culloden House Hotel to commemorate the anniversary off the Battle of Culloden with our friends 'The Circle of Gentlemen' - more of which I will tell you about on the BLOG page when I update it tomorrow.


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