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October weekend
07 October 2008

Friday night in the Riverside Tavern in Conon Bridge saw the unveiling of the band's new polo shirts. Shame I couldn't manage to get all 3 of them to smile at the same time! Typical men....

As mentioned previously, a load of us went through in a bus to hear our favourite band in a new venue. It's always good to meet new people too.

This is me showing off my Ibiza tan. I know it's not a great photo but I'm indulging in a spot of vanity, so there!! I did take loads of other pics and you can see them elsewhere if you really want to!

Saturday was a riot as usual in the Gellions. I even noticed a few new faces from the night before in Conon Bridge! More fans Kenny.

Sunday saw us back in Finlay's from 4pm. (This is going to be regular gig except for 2 previously booked dates.)

As you can see from the picture, Gringo was teaching everyone how to do  the Scottish Chair Dance - He's a natural at it!

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