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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/02/2010.
Christmas Lunch 2011
10 December 2011



Christmas Party – 10 December 2011


“I’ve been of this bus for over an hour”, whispered a small voice behind me. “Are we nearly there yet?” 

It wasn’t the voice of a child, but of a lady brave in years.  How rightly Shakespeare likens the seventh stage of man to that of “second childhood”. 


I was on a bus doing the rounds of villages to pick up Rockvale Rebound listeners and their escorts to take them to Townend Bowling Club for their Christmas festivities. 


It was a bus journey taking one and a half hours winding in and out of almost impassable roads. There were ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ gasped by those marvelling at the ability of the driver.  The trip affording those who alighted the bus first to a grand tour of West Dunbartonshire. 


The bus was full of chat and laughter.  The sighted people loudly welcomed those getting on the bus, so everyone on board was able to welcome the new comers.  Thus chat got quickly underway, and everyone felt included.


Everyone arrived at Townend Bowling Club in good spirits.  Once seated everyone was treated to a “Chairman’s dram”.  While the drink of choice was being enjoyed the raffle tickets were eagerly purchased, and the first course was served. 


Between courses there were constant interruptions by committee members sharing jokes with everyone and employing community singing of Christmas songs. For example to the question of “What is a hairdresser’s favourite song?” the singing of “Oh Comb all ye faithful” ensued.


So many raffle tickets were sold it took four people (including Santa’s helpers) to tear and fold all the tickets.  There was a scurry to get this done before the Chairman called for the Raffle to be announced.  What fun everybody had whenever a number was called and the owner revealed.  Everyone was pleased for the winners.  The grand prize was a bottle of malt whiskey, and the biggest laugh of all which resounded the hall was when the Treasurer who held the box of numbers won it.


Everyone commented on how it was the best Christmas party.  It was an opportunity for friends to meet again, to chat and laugh at updated news.  It was full of fun, laughter and cheer. The lunch was sponsored by Helensburgh & District Round Table who received a resounding cheer, when the Chairman mentioned them at the start of his speech.


Before we knew it we were back on the bus but no complaints this time as everyone was busy discussing the lovely meal, the "acts" and who won what at the raffle.


Written by Gillian Johnston

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