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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/02/2010.
Sponsored Walk 2010
03 October 2010

Our sponsored walk, or Bobalong Cashaday this year followed the same route as last year and was held on Sunday, 3rd October, 2010.  Certificates were presented to participants completing the walk on the day.

More pictures and details of how much was raised are on our Calendar page. Here's a great poem about the day by Elaine Foulkes.



Our annual sponsored walk event
 Was drawing close again
So for several days beforehand
I prayed there’d be no rain
Someone must have heard my pleas
Coz the day dawned bright and clear
A jacket would suffice I thought
I won’t need wet weather gear
Our numbers dwindle every year
But we gathered nine or ten
Oh no here come stragglers
I’ll need to count again
We set off at a lively pace
Along the cycle path
It wasn’t long till I stripped off
Well only just my scarf
It doesn’t sound too long a walk
10K’s not far you see
But every yard seems like a mile
When you’re bursting for a wee
That spurred me on, I speeded up
Of that you can be sure
A rest, relief and a large white wine
The Glen Lusset my allure
I made it to the finish point
In quite good time I think
But by then all I cared about
Was the toilet and a drink
And later in the evening
When my blisters caused me pain
I worried if my poor wee feet
Would be the same again
But time has passed, my feet are fine
I should have had no fear
And because it’s for a worthy cause
I’ll do it all again next year
Elaine Foulkes
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