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 The Providence jug band.

The Providence jug band performs with irreverence and wit, covering material from railroad blues, Americana, to ragtime and jazz. After a few years of happy anarchy playing together in the 1970's, they drifted apart. Now after a break of thirty years, the PJB  is back. With glittering guitar from Phil Brightman, amazing mandolin from Steve (ginger) Green, gasp inducing gob iron (and gob) from Winston Baldwin and tricky tea-chest bass and guitar from Keith Haines, they play a mixture of ragtime and blues. The reconstituted but not reformed PJB has changed little since the early days, though now a little more house trained and minus a jug. No-one liked all that spit!  

In June 2009, the band went into the Simon Davies studios, and recorded their album 'Back in Town' in five hours and in one take. Now it's in it's third pressing, and rumour has it another cd is in the planning.

Contact the boys on 01270 619265


providence jug band. Follow the links to 'myspace'

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