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We all have a number and are watched more than we realise

Here in the UK, we are subjects of the reigning monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, and we are ruled by The Establishment [1].

We have to obey the laws of the land and pay our taxes.

A number is given to us when our birth is registered, which must be done within 42 days of being born.

The number remains with us for life, names change as when a woman gets married - but the number remains the same.

The number has a 'check digit'[2] to ensure that it is correct when used.

Here on this website we reveal the way you are made a prisoner of society.


Britain: the most spied on nation in the world - Telegraph

A stark warning that Britain is turning into a Big Brother society, where the lives of millions are being watched.  Britain has more CCTV cameras than any other country.  It is estimated that there is one for every 14 people.

Millions are routinely monitored and tracked from cradle to grave, says a watchdog report.

And now, in May 2019, it is reported that a facial recognition system is on trial in two cities in the UK., London and Cardiff.



[1]The Establishment is the dominant group or elite that holds power or authority in a nation or organisation. It may be a closed social group which selects its own members or specific entrenched elite structures, either in government or in specific institutions.

In fact, any relatively small class or group of people that can exercise control can be referred to as The Establishment. Conversely, in the jargon of sociology, anyone who does not belong to The Establishment may be labelled an "outsider".

[2] Check digit. This is explained in the menu under YOUR NUMBER IS CHECKED.









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This website contains no classified information as all facts are in the public domain. It is produced not for profit in the interests of the man (and woman) in the street.
Format and design are copyright and all rights are reserved - May 2019

Produced by Oggle IT for The Prisoner, who is you, the reader.

EXTRA.    The researchers for this website would like it to be known that they have been inspired by the 1967 TV series called - The Prisoner, which is based on someone who objects to being known by a number. Therefore a Youtube video from the series is included in the menu.


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