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The Preceptory & Priory


Garnock Vale

No. 28

Est. 1906 (A.O 788.)


Garnock Vale

Preceptory & Priory


Officers for 2024/25

Preceptor :- Mst. Em. Fr. James R. Hodge P.P. GCT. PDGP.

Treasurer :- Rt. Em. Fr. David Park P.P. KCT. PGrC.

Secretary :- Ven. Fr. Gordon Hughes P.P.




The Masonic Temple

14 New Street, Dalry, Ayrshire. KA24 5AG.

3rd Wednesday of each month,

September to April, at 7.00pm for 7.30pm.

 November (Installation)


Dates for your Diary

Muster Night to 3rd Wednesday of each Month 

Muster at 7pm for 7.30pm untill further notice








The information contained within these web pages are to the best of our knowledge true and accurate at the the time of publication,

and are solely for information purposes only.

Garnock Vale Preceptory and Priory accept no liability for any loss or damage arising as a result or use of this information.



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