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Upload new images at the click of a button

With a Spanglefish free website you can upload new photos to your site's image bank at the click of a button, and have them automatically scaled and optimised too, ready for you to add them to whichever pages you choose.

You can even upload photos directly from a digital camera connected to your computer.

No more foutering. No more hassle. No more delay.


If you're looking at this Spanglefish home page wondering whether to take the plunge, my advice is to DIVE IN! Spanglefish took me from loser to cruiser in a brainwave! I have spent many years paying other people to make web sites for me because I couldn't find a CMS that understood me – well as scary as it might sound, Spanglefish thinks like me...simple, straight to the point and flexible. Oh, and the guys are very helpful. Thanks Spanglefish, you're bonza! :0)

Craig Coultman-Smith