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New Action

Following more disclosures about the potential for Systematic fraud at A4e (Click Here) we thought it was time to send A4e CEO Andrew Dutton a brand new email: Visit A4e The Musical

Send an email  to A4e CEO Andrew Dutton

Email: krobinson@a4e.co.uk and mark it FAO Andrew Dutton

(Copy and paste the following text or downlad word doc)


Dear Mr Dutton,

I have several concerns regarding the involvement of A4e in ‘workfare’ style programmes.

'Workfare' is a term first used in the 1960’s to describe a model of welfare provision that requires a much greater level of participation from recipients, reinforced by the use of mandatory requirements and the use of sanctions. Schemes generally require unemployed people to do community work or undergo job training in return for social-security payments'.  As such I am sure you will agree, specifically The Work Experience Scheme, The Work Programme, Mandatory Work Activity, and Sector-based Work Academies, and the Community Action Programme do in fact fall under the definition of a ‘workfare’ approach.

Following recent media attention could you clarify for me the following points: -

A4e state that "For every £1 spent by the Government on our Work Programme services, we deliver back £1.95 in revenue to the taxpayer." My understanding is that this is In fact a figure given by the DWP to the National Audit figure on the estimated return of investment. Calculating actual return on investment is a complex process. As A4e have been entrusted with a great deal of tax payers’ money, can you provide assurances and evidence that you have been able to deliver on this return on investment, and if so how you arrived at this conclusion?

A4e claim to support someone into work every 7 minutes. Can I ask how you have arrived at this figure; I calculate that to be around 75,000 jobs p.a. Can you clarify what you mean by “support someone into work” and does this mean you get someone into work every 7 minutes, if not how many people do you actually get into work that lasts more than 13 weeks?

A recent leak from your website suggests that overall performance success is less than 10%. Can you make a response to what appears to be shockingly poor performance on delivery?

Can you also clarify what you consider to be mandatory, in what situations you will raise a compliance doubt, and to what extent the Department for Work and Pensions has given you the freedom to make anything that you choose to then become mandatory?

A4e states that it arranges work placements with a range of community organisations. The above mentioned programmes are required to provide ‘community benefit’. Can you clarify in what ways you deliver ‘community benefit’ and does this include placements within large corporate companies, if so how do you see this as providing a ‘clear community benefit?

​The press has made claims about the potential for systematic abuse within A4e. I understand that the DWP have investigated A4e on 9 previous occasions. On one occasion A4e was charged with fraud and on another 4 occasions.  In light of recent disclosures and as the A4e website seems to present a different set of facts. Could you clarify the following claims: -

That a 34-page internal audit identified dozens of incidents of potential fraud, "reputational risk" or suspected rule-breaking by staff in at least 12 of the company's offices where public money was claimed for placing long-term unemployed people into work.

How many former A4e staff have so far been charged with fraud.  I understand it to be 5 can we expect more arrests?

Has A4e profited at taxpayers expense from a "systematic failure" to stop the risks of fraud?

In 2009 was there evidence that out of your top 20 recruiters there was potential fraudulent or "irregular" activity in nine cases, and unauthorised form filling by staff  – in another nine cases?

Is there evidence of potential fraudulent activity not just in Slough, but also Rotherham, Norwich, Woolwich, Bridlington, Edinburgh and Nottingham?

Is there evidence that on a regular basis staff fill or alter forms that are supposed to be completed by the employer and as a result A4e profit from this?

Is there a culture within A4e where staff members feeling there is 'nothing wrong' with completing missing information on forms?

Is it true that in 2009 auditors had issues with 31% of all outcome claims?

Although these claims relate to previous programmes what assurances are A4e able to offer that these practices do not continue within the organisation?

Taxpayers have been assured that a payment-by-results system places financial risk on the provider, and not the taxpayer.  Does this remain true if their is evidence of systematic corporate fraud, or is it the fact that taxpayers are being taken for a ride by dishonest representatives of A4e?

I look forward to your reply with further clarification on these points
Yours sincerely

Online Protest Against Workfare


Previous Actions

O.P.A.W. began as a  facebook campaign of 5 days and 5 actions that people could take part in over one week starting on the 27th February 2012.  Following on from that success we decided to carry on with a new format.

Also take a look at our Actions Update page to see any replies to actions or any campaign successes.

Our original actions are listed below, please feel free to repeat these actions each week.  We will of course post any updates on each and every action.

Monday Actions

Tuesday Actions

Wednesday Actions

Thursday Actions

Friday Actions


The Liberal Democrat Education Programme


So far the grassroots Lib Dem voice has been very quiet on workfare. But some local branches and Lib Dem Councils are uneasy with the Coalition and that it could cost them in future local and national elections. In the run up to the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference we planned a new series of online actions  Click Here to view



We would just like to say a big thank You to everyone who has offered time, support, advice in preparing actions and a really            BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has taken part in one or all of our protest actions!!!




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