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This is a site intended to provide information for patients undergoing nail surgery: specifically partial nail avulsion with phenolisation, commonly used to treat ingrowing nails. Though there is a wealth of information available on the subject, I found much of it to be contradictory, particularly concerning recovery times. The most helpful information I was given came not from a doctor or a website, but from a friend who had once had the same surgery.

For this reason, I am documenting my own experience of the procedure and recovery. I am not a doctor, and my experience may not be typical, but I hope it may be of use to people in a similar situation.

This is not intended to replace real medical advice: your doctor or podiatrist is a qualified professional. You should follow all their instructions, even if they differ from what you read here. If you're particularly concerned about anything, just ask them about it.

Another note: this website contains photographs of the toe after surgery. Though they're not particularly graphic, especially squeamish people may wish to avoid them.

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