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Musicability Scotland uses the fun and magic of musical participation to provide team building, social skills development and education for groups of all kinds

Musicability Scotland music sessions are

·         group music sessions led by Bruce Armstrong, M.A. Ph.D., an experienced musician, workshop facilitator and trainer

·         designed to be fully accessible for people with no previous musical experience, as well as people who can sing or play an instrument

·         fun

·         educational

·         all about group activity and learning group skills: no-one is “put in the spotlight” or asked to play a solo

·         designed to teach music skills and social skills

I am skilled in working with

·         adults

·         young people

·         school groups

·         people with learning disabilities

·         people with autistic spectrum conditions

Sessions can include some or all of the following

·         exploring hand-held percussion

·         learning basic or more advanced hand-drumming techniques

·         learning traditional rhythmic patterns and pieces, including African drum music

·         improvising rhythms

·         learning to conduct a group

·         experimenting with free-form improvisation

·         using touch-screen electronic synthesisers to explore dance music

What do participants get out of the sessions?

  • team building skills
  • social skills, including listening, group skills, collective decision-making, respecting collaborators, assertiveness skills
  • music skills, including rhythmic awareness, listening, musical dialogue, initiation and ending, performance skills
  • fun, enjoyable group activity

All instruments and electronic equipment needed for the sessions are supplied.

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