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North Sea Gas

North Sea Gas are Dave Gilfillan, Ronnie MacDonald and Grant Simpson.  On occasion within Scotland, North Sea Gas are augmented by the wonderful talents of Gerry McKenna.

North Sea Gas has now been performing for 27 years, during which time they have enjoyed great acclaim for their high standards of professionalism.

With a combination of instruments including guitar, mandolin, bodhran, banjo, whistle, mandola, bouzouki, mouth organ complementing fine vocals, harmonies and a keen sense of humor, an entertaining evening is guaranteed. Their interesting and varied career includes live performances in a variety of venues from compact hotel lounges to national theatres, as well as private functions, oil rigs, folk clubs, performing arts centers, open air concerts and colleges.

Over the years their exciting blend of Scottish and Irish music has appealed to audiences all over Great Britain, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia, Canada and the United States. For nine consecutive years, North Sea Gas has attracted large audiences to concerts held during the Edinburgh Festival.

In 1993, the band received both the Gold and Silver Disc awards from the Scottish Music Industry for their album "Caledonian Connection". This was followed in 1994 and 1995 by Silver Disc awards for albums "Keltic Heritage" and "Live from Edinburgh" making it three in a row. 1996 has seen their album "Scottish Destiny" attain yet another Silver Disc Award.

In the spring of 2000 their album "Spirit of Scotland" was released and the fall of 2002 marked the release of the band's 12th album, "Dark Island", which received the band's 6th Silver Disc. With 2005 celebrating the 25th anniversary of the band, "Lochanside" was released in May. In 2006, North Sea Gas' recordings were added to the Folklore Library, School of Scottish Studies, at the University of Edinburgh. August 2007 saw the release of their latest album "Rosslyn"

So, if you like entertaining Folk music; if you like to sing along; if you like to laugh but also to listen, look no further than North Sea Gas.

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