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18 December 2014
To Newlands Corner & back

It took a bit of effort to leave the house this week, with plenty of rain falling and the promise of much mud it was with weary legs that I set off up to Nirvana to join the Saturday ride.

Simon was already there as keen as ever but the only other person to show their face was George which was a little surprising but made for a good grouping. No one felt let doing much so against our better judgement we agreed to head up to Ranmore and along the top to Newlands Corner.

As soon as we got away from the tarmac the mud was in evidence and sapping the energy of Simon and myself on our singlespeeds. Still, we perservered and with much toiling and a detour reuniting not once but twice a lost dog with its owner we made progress.

The run along the top was broken up with a speedy decent down 'Sawmill' which was riding quite well considering the conditions but other than that we headed pretty much straight for the cafe.

To be fair we earned those burgers and bacon rolls - it was harding going at the sun was out so despite the effort and initial reluctance to leave the house I found I was having a good time and was glad to have made the effort.

After we had enjoyed our tea and food we headed straight back whence we came along the top of the hills - a steady pace was maintained and after some discussion we opted to have a go at 'Petrol Pump'. This was running ok although a little hard to see in places with all the leaf litter, we did however find our way down and although not giving back the same amount as fun as it does in the summer it was a welcome diversion from the main paths we had been on most of the ride so far.

Once down at the road George hit the tarmac to get back home asap and do some diy where as Simon and myself continued on the 'normal' off road route around the back of Gomshall to Abinger Hammer then up and over the roughs to eventually arrive back at Westcott. So ended my 20 miler for the day, not the best ride ever but good to have been out and use up some calories. Simon was left to head home alone - all the way back to Meadvale making a pretty decent ride of 40 odd miles for him.

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