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29 September 2009
Lots going on

Since my last comments theres been plenty happening including loads of riding.

Design work on the new 'Dorking Cocks' race kit is under way with both Richard and Duncan due to come up with seperate ideas. Hopefully the team kit will be ready for a pre Christmas launch although its far to late for the original plan of having it for 'Dusk to Dawn'.

Talking of which we have a team entered in that event which takes place this coming weekend. Hopefully the weather will hold although theres no way in can be worse than the Strathpuffer so we are quietly confident that at least we'll finish it.

Work has also begun on the now traditional Calendars. So watch out all, you never now what picture of you will appear on the 2010 versions.

Theres been plenty of riding too with the usual Wednesday nights and Saturdays going well and much ground being covered including several trips out as far as the River Wey and Guildford and more locally, exploring of yet more new trails in the ever superb 'Redlands Wood' as Charlie shows below

Last Tuesday also saw Myself, George and Simon cycle to the 1st Darts match of the season. My conclusion from which is that there was not a lot of biking, not even that much Darts but far to much Tallywhacker. This made for an interesting ride home and sore head on Wednesday morning, thank god there is no game this week.

We have also had our end of summer 'Bacon Butty' ride up on Leith Hill. As per usual this was great fun  with a bigger than normal turn out (Myself, Joe, Simon, George, Brian, Matt & Laura) and plenty of stoves. The range of food was wide and shared by all, we had a little fire for a while before retireing to the Plough for a beer or two.

Only a few weeks now until we have to say goodbye to Matt and Laura who are travelling back down under after having a final few weeks bike touring in Egypt and elsewhere around the med. We wish them well and will miss them both having had their company for the past few months. We tried to persuade them to stay but to no avail.


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