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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 02/12/2016.

Lochaber Life - your free local magazine, every month


is a monthly, full colour magazine which captures the spirit of the unique area which it represents.

The magazine is delivered, at no cost to the recipients, across the whole of Lochaber, from Fort William, the largest town in the Highlands, to the small Isles of Eigg, Muck and Rum. To Britain's most westerly mainland point, on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, to the community of Glencoe in the south and as far north as Fort Augustus, on the shores of Loch Ness.

More than 11,000 copies are delivered each month, all of which are well read and kept at hand for use as the 'bible' of local services. Looking for a plumber, electrician, gardener, computer advice: Lochaber Life is the place where most people start their search - and usually find exactly just what they are after.

Editorially, the magazine does just what it says on the cover, reflecting Lochaber Life through articles and pictures on a whole range of subjects, from historical times to present day. Community groups and projects also have an important role to play in the magazine through their regular contributions, which not only make a good read, but also help to keep readers informed of what resources are available to help them.

If you have an interest in the area, or would like to let people know about your local business, then Lochaber Life is the way to develop both. Let us know if you would like a copy.

Good reading!     

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