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Children learn by exploration and experience, children love to play. A Treasure Basket is a great way of giving children the opportunity to with a wide range of items they don’t normally have in reach.

Children love to explore; touching, sucking, smelling, licking, banging, picking up and dropping is fun way to play for a young child, their curiosity. Treasure baskets aim to aid the child’s development through a range of stimulus offered in each basket.

 When offered access to new objects, babies immediately demonstrate their natural curiosity by 'playing' with the objects. Playing, as well as giving them a great deal of pleasure, is an exciting and stimulating way to spend time and learn. Babies should have opportunities to play in as many different ways and with as wide a variety of objects as possible.

Elinor Goldschmied conceived the idea of a 'treasure basket' The treasure basket is a collection of everyday and natural objects. It aims to offer stimulus through the five senses. Babies are able to appreciate texture, shape and weight when using the treasure basket. Their appreciation of sound will be stimulated by items that ring, scrunch, tinkle or can be banged.

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