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Easter Egg Hunt 2012
07 April 2012

What a great turn-out for 2012 Easter egg hunt at the village hall. Despite the weather, the children enjoyed hunting for the eggs in the park!

In the main hall, we had an assortment of cakes on sale, with a lovely cuppa which went down a treat!

In the small hall there were activities for the kids, from arts and crafts/face painting and biscuit decorating.

New to this years events, we held chicken racing outside with the help of Muriel and her chooks, which was extremely funny and entertaining!

We held the traditional Easter bonnet competition for two age groups this year.... Over 5's won by Caitlin Corbet, and the under 5's won by Kiera Eastcroft.                                           Followed by a cake competition won by Fiona Macintosh. After which we held the Easter egg raffle.

With the help from all in the community, we managed to raise a good chunk of money for the village hall, so thank you all!

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