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16 July 2011
Let's FACE Facts

FACEBOOK - and other similar sites - the facts for players and enthusiasts

In view of the interest in Facebook, and because its use has been encouraged by another organ-keyboard website, we thought we would present the results of our research and let readers decide for themselves.

First a website that gives reasons why Facebook accounts should be terminated:-

Another website gives the pros and cons of Facebook:-

Just to show that we have an open mind on this, we give below a link where you can search the Internet for yourself and see what other websites have to say.
Google search

We hope that this item will help to settle all arguments and help everyone to make up their own minds.

It is only fair to say that some organists favour Facebook and say it is a good way of keeping in touch with other artistes.

The photograph of Cameron Lloyd, who writes on our letter page, has been removed at his request.  He wishes it to be made clear that he is not associated with the editorial team in any way whatsoever - even although there was nothing to suggest that this was the case.

 Readers Letters Page  

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