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20 August 2010
Brand X - Cost of travelling

Electronic Organ on Wheels?

There has been tremendous interest in Ian Griffin's Brand X electronic organ - yet to be given another name.

Basically it is a cabinet that caters for keyboards chosen by the player.  In Ian's case he has selected the Ketron range of instruments for their superior sound.  A range of pedal boards can be used to make it a totally custom made electronic organ.

The only drawback, as far as Ian is concerned, is the cost of travelling with it.  With the trailer that Ian had to buy for it, the cost of towing has drastically increased his motor fuel costs.

To keep his fee to a reasonable figure, Ian has decided to let the organ society decide on what they want and if they think its worth paying up to £25 more for their members to see what basically is just the cabinet.   As Ian explains:  "The sound is the same, and I am the same and so is music, except for the second half when I play tunes selected by the audience - so really the only difference is the wooden cabinet."

So the question arises:  'Is it worth paying extra to see a wooden cabinet?'   Ian said he was not aware of the increased costs when he was building the organ - or the pending rise in VAT, and now the need to offer a choice to those booking him.  In the end he says the choice is up to the engager - or the society who perhaps want their members to look at something rather special.

Footnote: The remarkable Brand X Organ will be at the Sand Bay Keyboard Experience in October.


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