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Is this Justice?

(Edition 1)

In this first edition, you are invited to consider if justice was done with two men who many consider being war criminals.   One, an American by birth, was tried in a British court and subsequently hanged, even although he was responsible for killing no-one, while the other was instrumental in killing many thousands of British civilians and, after the war, secretly taken to America to work on their space rocket programme.

We refer to William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) who broadcast from Germany to Britain in World War II and Wernher von Braun who designed the V2 weapon knowing it was to kill British civilians.

In this fascinating documentary, we take a close at the two men, including Youtube videos, in order to see if justice was done.

To our knowledge, this comparison has never been done before, so now you can now decide for yourself.














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We acknowledge with thanks the information provided by Wikipedia and third-party sources.   Also our thanks to Youtube and their share facility for their videos,

Format and design are copyright and all rights are reserved -  April 2019.

Produced by Oggle IT in the interests of British justice.







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