SpanglefishInverness Roleplaying and Wargaming Association | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Welcome to the Inverness Roleplaying and Wargaming Association

We are a diverse group of gamers and GMs who meet every Tuesday to play RPG's or tabletop wargames.  New players are always welcome, even if you have never played an RPG or wargame before. We play a wide variety of games and have an extensive games cupboard packed with contemporary and obscure titles. 

What we do

New or inexperienced players are welcome to join in, there are usually places available for players in the games that are being run.  If you're interested, drop us an email or simply turn up to a session

We also take part in conventions and gaming meets across the country with wargames or RPG's.

For more information, email us at .

Unfortunately due to Highland Council policy we must restrict attendance to those aged 16 or older.


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